Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wow, it's been awhile... *warning. Icky pictures in this post!*

It's been nearly a month since I last posted... Lots has happened!! I worked out a few times, survived the Fourth in Keyport (Was SOOOOO Tired, but it was a great time!), worked ESY (definitely a workout in and of itself...), did Yoga with Shanna, which was great!!, and went to Hawaii.

Unfortunately for my developing routine, I fell in a lava tube in Hawaii and tore up my knee pretty well....
Was patched up by Rangers at the Volcano Park, and then went to a small-town ER.
A whole 4 bed ER with wonderful nurses and a doctor originally from Texas.
  I got numbed up,

 cleaned up, 

and patched up. Was given antibiotics and pain meds, and told to NOT go in the ocean. I felt like I had steak tartar for a knee, and would not like to tempt any nearby sharks with my lovely knee.

I slowly and painfully healed somewhat, and after a trip to the local health clinic, my wound was deemed "Beautiful!" and I was allowed to go in the ocean on my last day!! As long as I kept taking my antibiotics and kept it clean. I was definitely ok with that, and the swim was wonderful!!!! Even if my knee looked icky at the end of each day of walking around... I had new bandages and ointment and it is healing from the inside out.

Unfortunately, though, kneeling is OUT of the question for awhile. And I shudder to think of what pool water will feel like on it... I baths and showers aren't comfortable at all right now, as my nerves are still pretty raw and confused. So I think I will be riding the recumbant bike at the gym and hopefully getting Chris to walk with me outside. The major irritants (for me) are done blooming, so I should be ok walking in the great outdoors. I have to be careful to not push it too much, though. At Marja's wedding yesterday, I did a lot of Twin Wrangling with the boys. And today I am paying for it with aching and burning in my knee that is radiating. Too much pulling on new tissue. Not fun at all. I need to make a doctor's appointment for myself to make sure it's healing well and to follow up on my CPAP and allergy stuff. For now, the plan of care is  Ibuprofin, antibiotics, lots of yogurt, and trying to stay off my leg. Setbacks suck. But I've got lettuce in the fridge. A nice salad with strawberries on it sounds really good right now...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Damnit... Slippage!!!

After that stellar evening, I felt pretty darn good! I could even walk the next day. I can't do the evening classes on Tuesdays because I have my fabulous Mary Kay Meeting. So that was already planned for. What wasn't in the plan was where I was in my cycle. I thought it would be just fine and I would go back on Wednesday.... However, I started PMSing hard core. And I mean MAJORLY. My attitude came out like none other. "No, I don't actually want to make you a sandwich. You are welcome to make yourself one. I don't particularly care that I was just in the kitchen. I don't plan on making you a fricken sandwich"... (he made eggo waffles in the toaster.... and didn't bring it up again that day). And my attitude was directed at myself, as well. Granted, in addition to the bitchiness, I was also nauseas and a little dizzy... Not great combos. So I attiduded myself out of going to the gym on Wednesday... Ahhh, derailments. How easily you are to slide in!!!!
Thursday we set up for ESY (gotta love when the HeadStart teacher doesn't show for 3.5 hours....) and then I had errands to run... Had forgotten my epi pen, too, so I couldn't get an allergy shot that morning... It wasn't my day. And it was That Time of the Month, so I didn't really feel like getting in the pool... Further sliding off the track I'd been on for one whole evening! Friday was Friday, of course! And Chris and I went to the park and played ladderball. Which was something, but it wasn't a hard workout... And then today. I was planning on doing Gentle Yoga with mom at 5. No prob. A little apprehensive, as I've never taken a real yoga class, but it's for beginners, so I think I can do it. Problem? I went to the park to read and get some sun... and did a little Hawaii shopping... And lost track of time. Also forgot to drink water. Did you know that not drinking water and reading in the sunshine on a hot day makes you feel EXTRA crappy when you're on your period? Um... it DOES! So I bailed on that, when I finally realized it was 445 and I was still out and about, slick with sunscreen, and lightheaded with dehydration. I would not have held any pose other than corpse very well.... Then, to further crap out of anything healthy, I played Call of Duty: Black Ops for nearly 5 hours... Major slippage, here!!!
But tomorrow is a new day. The 3rd of July, which means set up for the breakfast and Fireworks on the Fjord. I plan on getting to the Y and maybe doing the elliptical for 25 mins? Or, if there are open lanes, swimming a few laps in addition to something else... And then making a cool whip cheese cake, doing Keyport stuff, and getting the rest of my stuff together for ESY... Time to get back on track, back on the wagon, back to the gym. Every part of me will thank me for it!!!!!